Axa Basta Rack Lock Frame Mount Rear Wheel Bar Lock With Key
- You see these great locks on nearly every bike in europe, because they are a simple way to lock you bike for those quick whip into a shop type moments
- Because you fix them to your bike they are always there , no “i firgot my lock “ situations
- Ring shape rear wheel lock with 2 security keys to prevent your cycle being ridden away.
- Lock works by engaging a bar through the spokes which prevents the wheel being turned
- Fits to seat stays near the brake bridge/ callipers. Some bikes (mainly dutch and european hybrids) have bosses on the frame which allow this lock to be directly mounted, can also be fitted to v brake bosses on some bikes.
- Mounts onto the frame of the bike (frame bosses(brake) required to secure lock to frame
- Large size, so can fit over wide tyres and mudguards.
- Manual lock, turn key & pull lever down & then remove the key
- 65-70mm clearance for guard/tyre
- Weight 365grams approx
- This lock is not compatible with axa plug-in chain/cable lock extensions
No packaging or instruction ex-production stock, so may have an odd slight mark that will not effect the workings