- Manufacturer: Bought These from Alta that manufactures bikes for Raleigh and IZIP. Unsure of the year, brand or model of this replacement wheel.
- Electric motor
- Disc Brake (6-bolt) Holes look bigger than a standard disc
- Clincher
- Rim Innner width:17.91mm
- Rim Outer width: 24.57mm
- Wire coming out of hub has 6 small pins and 3 larger pins total 9 pins
- 36 spokes
- Size: 26"
- Weight: 4480g
- Cassette Shimano CS-HG31-8 Mega Range 34th 11tooth to 34 tooth was spec on wheel (Not Included)
- We don't know anything about the motor, nor what it's compatible with. It's up to the buyer to figure all that out.
- Condition: New, in OEM Box